Monday 30 April 2012

To El Jadida and Moulay Bousselham

29th and 30th April

We left Imouran at about 10 am after buying some more ghasool in Aourir, ie our washing mud! It costs just 12 dirhams a kilo here whereas at home it's designer prices.
The drive north takes us past Taghazout, Terre D'Ocean, Cap Ghir, Tamri,  Imsouane and Tamanar. All places we have grown fond of. It is a little sad to leave the south behind but time waits for no man and north we must go.
early morning fishermen

The first road block of the day!

Banana plantation at Tamri

Little did we know that we have chosen Souk day in Had Draa, where? well the road from Essaouira to El Jadida goes through this little known town but on souk day the traffic comes to a standstill as the town becomes a seething mass of Moroccan people enjoying their local 'madness' ! It was total chaos and took us two full hours to creep through the mass of revellers. The police had no control. There was nothing to give the game away as to what was going on! And when we got into the mayhem of town, we could only look on in amazement at the mass of people and incredible noise they were all making. What an experience.

In the midst of the madness

It did put our journey back a bit but with the van going really well, we arrived a El Jadida at 7.45pm. Tired but glad to have given the van a run to prove her soundness. Well done that van.  That's half way to Tanger approximately. The parched sandy Argan trees of the south turn into rich wet wheatfields of the north. What a contrast. What a drive!
Very tired, we go to bed straight after supper
Yawn, good night xxx

30th April
Left El Jadida by 11 am, drove to Moulay Bousselham arriving at 5 pm! We're about 70 miles from Tanger and the journey north is almost done but we have a few days to spare so we pull into this Moroccan resort and camp next to a huge lagoon which this town is known for. It looks very beautiful with boats and birds, the sea in the distance.

The local square is enormous and swallows up anyone walking through it, it's quite impressive  but the town itself looks a bit run down, needs a bit of tender loving care. 

The path to the campsite is unbelievable!

It is obviously a summer holiday resort and as yet summer hasn't started, it's quite chilly.
Looking on the weather forecast for Europe, summer hasn't started there either!

lots of love
Ted and Krysia xxx

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