Friday 6 April 2012

Last day in Terre D'Ocean

 Thursday 5th April

So we've decided to leave tomorrow! It's time to move on. I pack the bike onto the back as this leaves us free to leave early. Apart from being with our lovely neighbours and getting the van ready to leave, we did find time for a walk and what a walk we had! Up and over the top of the hill behind the campsite  we went until we found a secret trail back down across the face of the cliff! Obviously the Moroccans know about the path but to us it was a real find. Stunning views, loads of fossils and rocks to wonder at and some souvenirs to take back to the garden. I once more will let the photos do the talking!

A ridge walk

Must be windy here

Beautiful view

I think I was just standing up there

Can I take this one home with me?

We spent the last evening with our friends chatting about future travels and good places to visit. We shall miss them.

Sleep well
The Beynon's xxx

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