Wednesday 28 March 2012

Surf dudes and a spot of rain

27th and 28th March

Tuesday has been another glorious sunny day! So we took Zacarius and Tierra down the track to the beach, just a 10 minute walk away. A small but strong swell is running and these two lovely folk need a go at surfing!

with just one surfboard between the four of us, there is plenty of time for a swim

While the two girls got on with that, I gave Zacarius his first  surf lesson

As the photos show, Zacarius had a great time, the water is warm enough to stay in for a good while and he persevered until he could stand up

                                                                 And fall off again!

Tierra's turn next

Zacarius takes over the job of instructor

                                                                   With great success

Krysia meanwhile was swimming like a fish or taking photos of us, being quite happy to leave the surfboard to the beginners. I, when the board became free!!! took to the water like an old pro and immediately showed them all how to pile drive ones face into sand in two foot of water!! ouch. I tried to pretend that nothing happened but I wasn't fooling anyone. Krysia knew what had happened and was relieved when I paddled back out for some more! Fortunately I wasn't to dazed and gave them a sparkling performance of how an old man surfs!! Slow to his feet but not too bad once going along. It's beautiful in the water, no wetsuit and glassy waves. All alone, not another surfer in sight! Well Anchor point is just around the headland so I imagine they are all there, getting on top of each other! Not literally we hope!!
A great time had by all, we return 'home' and laze in the shade and recover from our exercise, oh my shoulders do ache these days!
The weather is changing by sunset and Wednesday looks set to be different

Wednesday 28th

And different it is. Misty, cool and a spot of rain in the air! That's only a spot mind you and nothing of any consequence shows up through the day.
It's Souk day in Aourir, so we pack the van up and set off with our friends for a few hours of fun and shopping at the souk, which is in full swing by the time we get there. This is a fine souk so I'll let the pictures do the talking

The Three Amigos arrive

Zacarius engages with everyone, it comes naturally to him

A fine show of carrots

A sea of tomatoes

Hot chilli pepers

Mountains of oranges

Are you taking a photo of me?

That's 80p for two kilos

We shop till we drop before having an Avicado milkshake in town. Rain threatens but holds back.
And the King is rumoured to be nearby! All adds up to a splendid souk day in Aourir.

Time for bed
Seep well
love The Beynons xxx

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