Tuesday 27 March 2012

Getting better and the warm mist

24th and 25th March

So here I am, being the fool again! I just couldn't resist diving in with these young shepherds watering their flock. They welcomed me and laughed heartily as this old tourist nearly went down the well with the bucket, which fell 10 metres before hitting the water!

It wasn't as easy as I thought, the bucket, made of an old car tyre, is left to drop the distance so that it immediately takes on water with a large splash. The young man was luckily holding on to the rope otherwise I might have let it all go down the well!! How they laughed! I was that close to going down myself as it all happened rather quickly!

The flock is kept well watered with many buckets of clean water. The shepherds drink the same water of course.

This all takes place on Sunday 24th, a getting slightly better day for Krysia, whose nasty cold has passed its peak. Thank goodness for that. We take a stroll out into the hills, not far and are helped by the natural nebulizer that is the fog rolling in from the sea. It's cool but damp which helps her breathing no end. Cool means not hot!

                                              The mountains are cover with sea shell fossils

                                                  and are very beautiful just like Krysia

We spend the rest of the day around the van, basking in the cool misty air, chatting with our new friends and being happy!

Monday 25th March

Another warm and misty day which again helps Krysia's breathing and recovery. We take a long walk on the nearby beach today. You need a key to get out of the locked gates which are 200 feet below us next to the main road. A well secure campsite is this one! Is it necessary? Well it's very calm here and we like it so, maybe it's good!

On the beach, we are spotted through the mist and approached by these two chaps with their camels but no thanks, we want to walk today.

It's a lovely walk in the mist, waves crashing in the warm sea. We find surfers at the end of the beach enjoying themselves. One young beauty has the nerve to walk seductively through the mist in her bikini!

What a cheek, so Krysia runs off into the mist

And proves you don't have to be in a bikini to evoke emotion!

It's a fine scene walking back towards the campsite with the incoming tide. We just make it in time.

Stopping to marvel at the exposed beds of shell fossils waiting to be a backdrop to Krysia's own rings and the new ring Zacarius has made her. Well, he's made her two rings now as it happens!

Zacarius and Tierra are travellers who have been on the road now for seven years, selling their jewellery. This is their first time in a campsite! would you believe. Always camping wild,  they now sit here because you can get your visa extended here and they want to stay longer in Morocco. They are loving it! They haven't moved from their van since arriving. Truly making the most of being here. They are sweet people and great company. We even share a meal of fish and salad this evening, outside under the stars! Listening to tales of South America and Holts Field, travelling in Spain and the outer Hebrides.
We all have a story to tell and and a tale to listen to.
Jaimie rings up at 10.30 pm to tell us of her ongoing travels and share stories. We chat for an hour on skype! which is lovely. We love you Jaimie all the way over there in Australia, right here in our van!
Love to you all
Ted and Krysia xxx

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