Friday 16 March 2012

Lazy Days

14th and 15th March

It's very warm! Yesterday, we lazed around the farm all day. We even went for a swim in the rather green but beautifully cool pool. No chlorine here! The heat of the day does seem to induce a rather slow attitude towards activity but hey, who's in a rush here. We could move on now Mum has gone home but then, we could just enjoy the farm for a while longer! It is such a lovely place.
We manage, after a siesta, to get on our hiking boots and take to the hill behind us. Not a huge walk but a good stroll and a chance for Krysia to practice a bit of modelling!

Here she can be seen wearing boots from Blacks at £45, a stunning top, £12 and shorts £12 from T K Max. She's a bargain of a girl!

On the way back to the van, we found a garden of forbidden fruit

which needless to say, Krysia ate

and if she gets caught will be expelled from the garden of Koudya!

Today, instead of being lazy at the farm, we drove into Taroudant on the motorbike and were lazy there instead! Well, it's so hot we just have to sit in the shade of a cafe and have a mint tea before doing anything else. Refreshed, we run for more shade in the guise of Abder the Shoeman's shop as I really need a man bag and he has just the one for me. ( photo coming soon! )
He mends a hand bag of Krysia's as well as supplying us with a belt each, he's 'our man in Taroudant'.
We wander, in the shade of course, through the alleys of shops and streets in downtown Taroudant.

 Krysia buys a small sculpture of a donkey! As you do

We go to the Berber market to get a few supplies from familiar faces who seem more interested in teaching us Arabic and Berber than selling their wares! All great fun.
After a freshly squeezed orange juice under, yes more shade, we zoom through the streets, out onto the road that follows the walls of this city and on to the Palais Salam, an old palace which is now a hotel, serving tea and encouraging visitors to walk in their gardens. So we do just that.  

Krysia feeds her new donkey for the first time

Passing through the gates into the hotel gardens

Which although are lovely, are still not as beautiful as La Koudya

It is an old palace so the doors here are a bit more splendid

All in all, a lovely lazy day out in Taroudant. 

I wonder if it's going to be as hot tomorrow?

Until then lots of love

Ted and Krysia xxx

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