Sunday 26 February 2012

sun and surf in plenty

Saturday 25th including 23rd and 24th February
Well, its started to happen! I'm losing track of time! Thursday was another lovely sunny........come to think of it, everyday is a sunny day, leading up to today which was very warm indeed! So no more about the weather. Well until tomorrow probably! So what happened on Thursday? A long chilled out day around the campsite and a walk in the hills nearby. The view out of our window is special. As is the spot we are camped in. Photos please!

Walking to the village and back is always an outing .

Artwork back at the van

Friday is Argan internet day, the run along the coast is stunning. We posted previous blogs before returning to the growing excitement in the campsite.

The swell is arriving and surfers have been a bit starved lately of surf. It's going to turn on tomorrow! Which of course is today and turn on it did. It is so amazing to see a swell build on calm sunny day, just the ever increasing sets of waves turning a mirror like seascape into a heaving mass of energy. Awesome.

Sunset to end Friday

The waves have been crashing through all day, I followed the crowd this morning and went over to 'the bay'. It looks good and a fine swell is wrapping around the port and long boarders are having a fine time. I paddle out with expectations of a good surf but they are dashed with wave after wave passing me by, either uncatchable or already taken by longboarders. I paddle and paddle without success and have to leave the water in the end, not catching one single wave! My shoulders feel like they have been on 'the rack'. My board, a 7 footer seems inappropriate for these bulky sloping waves, longboards are the business here.
I should have waited and gone out in front at cathedral point as the waves were more top to bottom out there but would the shoulders have coped with the moving water and rips?
  I won't find out today as I'm knackered so we enjoy the rest of this hot sunny day by just being here, which is as good as anything, in fact sharing my days with Krysia is as about as good as life can get. Surfing has always been a bit of a solitary pastime.

Krysia sat on the rocks and took photos of the session, capturing me wallowing in the water and others riding. Her finest shot must be of the rubber ring man paddling in from a hard days fishing, alongside the boats who all take the swell in their stride! The rubber ring fisherman is the king of all them as far as we are concerned. What a star.

As the tide rises, a few hardy surfers take on the large lefts that were covered with beginners just yesterday morning. Now, they command respect as sets break further and further out to sea, rewarding the experienced and fit, long large rides. We enjoy watching it all. The surf, the campers, the Moroccans, the bikini clad babe doing yoga on the beach? ( she seemed to be turning herself inside out! ). The port. All adds up to a stunning day.
Even if my ego got a little bruised!
lots of love
The Beynon's

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